Six Tips When Working From Home

Six Tips To Staying “Some-What” Balanced When Working From Home

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Many work at home moms will agree that once you come out from the newborn haze, and actually feel like a real person again, you will yearn for some adult interaction. Or maybe you’ll want to contribute financially.  Or maybe you just want something for yourself.

When I was running my first blog I had three kids under 5 and was always asked “how do you balance it all?” Specifically meaning working from home.  My first thought was they must be asking the wrong person. Because my simple answer is ….. I don’t! I mean what mom has that DOWN.  We are super women and all, with these amazing invisible capes, but balancing it all, now that’s a tricky one.

Some nights I would lay my head down on the pillow and think today was a good day! The kids were happy, fed, dressed, and behaved…success!  House was clean, dinner cooked, laundry somewhat done…success!   Work from home list got shorter, ideas were brewing… was a good day!

Other nights I lay my head down and think I really stunk today. I raised my voice more times than I’d like to admit, technology was used too frequently, we didn’t get out of our pajamas, and I still have no food in my house…what am I doing wrong?

I like to think of that as balance.  You’ve got your good days, and your bad days….it’s perfectly balanced. What more can we really ask for?!

So when asked “how to you balance it?” Again, I don’t think I ever did, but in this post I try to make it easier for all of us.

I Follow These Six Tips to Staying “Some-What” Balanced When Working From Home

1. Make Lists and Prioritize

Keep a small calendar in a very visible place in your home and write everything down. Write down ideas, goals, deadlines, and more.

Try to be specific as possible because let’s face it, our brains just aren’t what they were B.C. (before children)

2. Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t finish your to do list. Don’t get me wrong….lists are great! They keep you organized, focused, and serve as great reminders. But if you don’t get to cross that item off your list for the day…just move it to the next day. And move on!

Accept the fact that there is ALWAYS something to be done.

3. Carve Out Time During The Day To Get Things Done

Find time during the day that is distraction free where you can get important tasks done. Now this can be 30 minutes, or it can be 2 hours. Whatever it is, make it distraction free.

Figure out a routine…then stick with it. Those lists from tip #1 will come in handy during these times because even if you only have 30 minutes you can run to that list and check a few items off.

4. Focus On Your Kids

Same goes with the time with your kids. When you aren’t working you shouldn’t be working! Don’t have your phone nearby and answer that text, email, etc. All it will do is bring on the guilt.

You can keep your list nearby so you can quickly write a reminder of that text, message, etc. for later. BUT your time with your kids should be undivided. Trust me, you will feel a lot better and balanced!

5. Designate a Work Space

It doesn’t need to be large…just a corner in the room will be fine. Grab a table/small desk and make it cozy. Make it a place where when you sit down and get sh** done!

Having things scattered all over the house is going to make things more complicated and more difficult for you.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

If you need a break, ask for it. Take a shower. Take a ride. Hide in the bathroom. Whatever it is, ask for it.

What are some ways that you stay “somewhat balanced?”

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One Comment

  1. I simply wanted to thank you so much again. I am not sure the things that I might have gone through without the type of hints revealed by you regarding that situation.

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